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You can customise every of the product available in the wesbite. You can either click personalize button to design your product by yourself. or upload your design or photo directly on the product page. Later you can contact us to give intructions regarding the prinitng of the product. 
Yes! , you can order personalize gift and corporate gifts which you can print of your won choice. we’ll print them for you.
It depends on the type of product whether it needs efforts to finish the qualtity and to spend time over the packaging for safe delivery to your door
Usually it takes 5-7 days to deliver but it can take upto 10 days in case of time consuming products for quality standards.
You can upload .pdf, .jpg,  .png to the product page directly or even you can make a design on our designer which you can access by just clicking to the personalize button given  on the product page.
You will get huge discount on the products along with the free shipping across the india if your order quantitiy meets the order criterion of our bulk ordering. To bulk order contact us or request a quote by clicking request quote button on the top

Frequently asked questions

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